Brotherhood of Dads

Welcome to Autism Dads Social Club

We are the proud founders of the Autism Dads Social Club.  We created this club for three reasons.

  • First, many fathers of a child on the spectrum have often felt alone and have struggled to understand autism. We desire to help dads overcome this feeling of isolation by helping connect them to other supportive dads and families. We want them to know that they are not on this journey alone.

  • Second, many autistic kids and youth have social delays and challenges with establishing friendships with peers. Deep friendships enrich life with meaning and value. We seek to facilitate opportunities for our autistic kids to develop social skills and bond with each other as they grow.

  • Third, in a world that has too often stigmatized people on account of their difference, we aim to help parents and youth embrace, accept, celebrate, and be proud of the uniqueness of individuals with autism. We want to help our children develop confidence that they are beautiful, brilliant, and full of potential. Collectively, we envision pouring an abundance of encouragement, hope, and inspiration into our kids, surrounding them with a wide community of support and unconditional love. 

Join us today and connect with others for inspiration and hope on this journey.




D - Develop Social Bonds and Friendships with Dads with an Autistic Child


A -  Affirm, Aid, and Advocate for Autistic Children and Youth


D - Deepen Autism Family Relationships and Connections to the Autism Community

What We Do

Meetups with Dads

Autism Dads Social Club provides a safe and relaxing space for fathers to find empathy, understanding, and friendship. We meet once a month at the Lounge at Six in Sugar Land, Texas.

Family Social Events

Autism Dads Social Club organizes fun and recreational events for our neurotypical and neuroatypical children. We aim to help our autistic kids develop social skills and friendships with peers. We host a family event every other month. Routine family social events include: We Rock the Spectrum Playdates; Easter Egg Hunt; Autism Family Picnic; Back to School Splash; Halloween Party; and Christmas Party.

Dad of the Year Campaign

Autism Dads Social Club encourages dads with special needs children to embrace parenting a child on the spectrum. For Father's Day, we celebrate and honor dads committed to affirming and loving children with special needs unconditionally and supporting the autism community. We hope to uplift positive role models of fatherhood.

Contact Autism Dads Social Club


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